Thursday, January 20, 2011

For True Success Ask the Four Questions:

Why?, Why Not? Why Not Me? Why Not Now?

Most of us are very poor critics of ourselves. We can easily criticize others and discover what is wrong with them, and we can easily build up an argument of our own side of the situation; but it is a far more difficult thing to be a self-critic-to take the situation that comes into our life and sit down with it frankly and say: "What did I do, or what have I said, that has contributed to this situation?"

There is not a person reading this page who is living up to his or her own possibilities. If you feel in a pretty much of a chaos, frustrated, lots of trouble and worry, just turn the searchlight on yourself and you will discover an available source of power. When you open up the channels and the avenues for that power, it will flood your soul and you will find yourself developing strength and poise, a solidarity, a feeling of security, that nothing on earth can shake! 

Is there jealousy in your heart? Is there envy? Opposition? Don't expect a miracle if you retain an obstacle. There is some disciplining you must do. You have got to clear out the old festering sores of your heart. Perhaps you have lied about someone; perhaps you have been unkind; perhaps you have been slandered and gossiped. Perhaps you have been "little" when you should have been "big".

How can we transmit our ideals into action so that these ideals can have sway in our lives? Well, we have to begin in our own hearts. When we clear away all the clutters up the channels, the heart and mind are cleansed, the head becomes rarified and the old jealousies, animosities and hatreds are uprooted, and then, though trouble may come in and flood and encompass our lives, there still is a power that reveals our own possibilities. The mere fact that none of us is living up to his best does not predicate that we never can.

Set no barriers for yourself. Admit no barricades or obstacles. Anything in the way? Look at it, examine it, analyze your relationship to the self-construction of it, clean up your own life and there will be an influx of that power to which there is no limit-unlimited you! You are unlimited! There is no limit for you!

                                 You Have Ambition.
                                 You have a Goal.
                                 Now you have a way
                                 to make it Happen.


“Ocean, who is the source of all “
Today I thought of expressing my relationship with god & also make readers realize how GOD plays an important role in each human beings life.
We must of course be attentive to practical things happening in & around us, but we need not be too practical & busy in life that we forget GOD who is the creator of this world…
We all must understand one basic thing that we are more than material beings, we are spiritual beings expressing in this material world. This world is made up of substance were we all are helping in its evolutionary process. We are an essential part of this huge lifecycle.
So the statement which m trying to make is that life will take care of our needs if we are open to GOD…..When we are about God’s business, when we are in our right place, all thing work for good as it is what planned for us… So while making any decision & expressing your feelings to someone never ever fear for anything because it was god’s sketch blueprint & u acted accordingly. Remember, the consequence can be either you achieve whatever u desired or else gets a beautiful experience which god wanted us to experience and later on give in more exciting way the desired one. Be master of this way of life. TRUST GOD.
So I would like to conclude by saying that:
The awareness of the presence & reality of God is the source of all good. God can & will meet all my needs. I remain open to this beautiful life. I AM THANKFUL.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

7 Days to go

Hi readers, my CA- Final result is going to be getting declared on 21st Jan’2011.
So just thought of sharing the experience about the  mixture of thoughts going in mind as more 7 days to go …………
Yes frnds, countdown got started on that day when I wrote my first paper on 08.11.2010. As and wen I use to get closer to my last paper, tension use to get shoot up as whatever I can give to my best in the exam I had showed in tat Three Hours and know its all in the hand of examiner & GOD……..Nw finally more 7 days to go that means result have already being printed it just curtain need to be removed…. Freak!!!! If it’s a  good result JUST IMAGINE frnds tat night will B my FIRST BEST  NIGHT as I WILL be CA……..Frnds I can just visualize & feel it  right knw tat super experience of  21st night……Me sleeping on my bed that night as usual but with the tag of Chartered Accountant……OHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!. It’s the beautiful feeling & the best gift for the hard work which was put on in past 5 months for getting prepared for exam… But But But just imagine the opposite result………All hard work wen into drain and again to start the same procedure of getting ready for my next attempt…..Frankly speaking Like everyone my expectation is also for good result bt don’t what my fate got plan for me……….Ohhh Menn…. my hand’s are shivering….just imagine how much m tensed for my result…..GOD I got only one request If it’s the Bad result plz plz plz gv my parents the power & strong heart to accept the truth as they got lot of expectation & also future planning based on my result…I can bear the pain of the result but not the sadness in their face………So do take care of my parents on that day…….
Like tis got many many mixtures of thoughts & confusion in my mind….Seriously tis CA result pressure is eating my day’s wid lods of tension & expectation….
I don’t have words to describe….
 I can only say that:-
Me in Sea, Hands & Legs are tied up, got no option but to swim and reach island…. ;( ;( ;(

Saturday, January 8, 2011


My Best Friends……..Nice topic to write on……..
There are many types of people in the world. Some people have share the same characteristics, but some people have different and unique traits. When I was in 10th grade, I had some classmates that they were nice to me, but I thought that we can’t become a friend. Also, my classmates and I had more difference than the similarity on our traits. At that time, I didn’t understand what the significance of friendship meant? However, I realize and understand well what friendship means to me since I met Shweta Kolamkar,Abidali Mulla,Demetrius.M ,Manisha Pinto, Poornima Divakaran, Stefina Rayan & Aashin Sahajwani…….
If I write about each one it will become an essay so  to cut down in short, without them I won’t be here as a confident young professional who can Speak & Act confidently, logically, Bold enough to handle problems, well mannered etc………. their presence have changed my life drastically………I thank God for giving me such a beautiful friends who accepted me as a frnd wen I was actually nt worth of being considered as a frnd of anyone…. I don’t knw hw they made me as there frnd bt thk them for showing me a path for leaving this beautiful life & holding my hand wenvr I needed someone.
I only pray that my frnds shd be with me forevr ………Luv u all……….


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, then circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.

First Day of Blogging Seriously

I knw the title is weired bt yes it's true After almost 2yrs of creating account m posting my first article and that tis..........Very much excited as i nvr tried any thing new in my life...........So going to blog from today.........Hope I continue wit new articles & topics...........My all intension to write blog s just to share my experience with everyone & also to share if i find something worth sharing ........